Basilica Block Party
God lends biblical words of divine wisdom and creativity to support and promote the ultimate non-catholic, catholic event: The Basilica Block Party.
This year, in an effort to drive record ticket sales, God isn’t leaving the promotional pieces to man. God is instead getting a bit more hands-on and setting up shop. Using words, taken out of context, from the good book to promote the event and getting mortals to create fun social and experiential activations. This is God’s party and God’s production. Attendees are sure to have a good time at this year’s event. How do we know? Because God said so. #GodHasSpoken
The Office of God.
Sure, God is everywhere. But even the supreme being likes to have an office.
God’s Press Kit
God turned out the crowds for Lyndale Open Streets and live bands rocked his office as screen printing, giveaways, beer coupons and a grammable installation took over the street outside.
The Work